Thursday, July 17, 2008

A little Riddle...

What is green,

Looks like a pond,

Smells like a pond

But is not a pond?

.....The Murch's Pool.

I was so excited when we looked at this house and saw there was a pool. The conversations went something like this.

Mr. Fix-It: Oh, there's a pool. We'll have to tear it down


MR. Fix-it: It will be so much work and we could use the yard space for the kids to play in.

Me: I've always wanted a pool. It will be so much fun. We can have friends over to play. WE ARE NOT TEARING DOWN THE POOL.

Mr. Fix-It: Okay, but YOU have to work on getting it ready.

And that is why the pool is still green. Actually, this shade of green is a great improvement on the brown that it was a few days ago. With MR. Fix-It's help I have been working on vacuuming, chlorinating , and filtering the pool over the past few days. Leaves and gross stuff are coming out at an alarming rate. I am also learning a lot about pool maintenance, so if anyone needs any help next summer....

Have a swimmingly good day today. I"m off to vacuum more gunk off my pool floor.

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