Sunday, June 8, 2008

Destination Procrastination

One would think that in the middle of a renovation, move, and end of a home school year, the mother figure of the family would be entrenched in packing, teaching, and wielding a paint brush. One would think....The reality in this family is the mother figure has been pursuing the art of procrastination. If anyone would like lessons in this art I would love to share my talent. I am a TRUE professional! In the past week I have shopped for curtains (not all together wasting time), visited a friend, and attended the Women of Faith Conference. I have to say that attending the conference was a time of renewal and I pray that God's Grace descends upon me to enable me to tackle the next two weeks.
Things I should have been doing goes as follows:
  1. Write a list of what needs to be done.
  2. Post on my blog (Look I'm already getting things done!)
  3. Place add in newspaper for garage sale
  4. find things in house to sell at garage sale
  5. find a place in the house to place things to sell until they are sold!
  6. Bake cookies to sell at the garage sale. ( I promised the girls about a year ago that they could do this)
  7. Go grocery shopping for baking ingredients
  8. Pack
  9. Get boxes and tape so I can pack
  10. Take kids on end of the school year picnic
  11. Think about Father's Day
  12. Think about our 10 year anniversary
  13. When I'm done thinking, plan and execute card making and gift giving. ( We have already rescheduled mother's day, so this is an option for both Father's Day and our anniversary)
  14. Paint SOMETHING in the new house
  15. Find out what our phone # is in our new house. Apparently it's been hooked up, but I deleted the information that had the phone # in it.
  16. arrange for propane to be hooked up at house, so the stove and dryer will work
  17. Get stove, refrigerator, and dishwasher delivered
  18. Remove the frogs from the pool
  19. Remove algae from pool
  20. Find out how you remove frogs and algae from pool
  21. Stop thinking about EVERYTHING that needs to be done
  22. Take it one step at a time
  23. Check myself into the closest psychiatric ward.

I started this list a little tongue in cheek and sometime between the start of my post and now my heart rate has rapidly increased. I must be off so I can start crossing things off my list. I do want to thank all of you who have read my ramblings and have prayed for us as we make another transition. We really have great group of supportive friends and we are so appreciative. Have a great day. Hopefully we'll have some new pictures in the next few days.

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