I wrote focus in the title in order to remind myself to do just that. Focus! Dan and I have both had trouble with staying in one direction since our flooring debacle. We tried to refocus our efforts on moving after we realized we would not get the floors done. With the help of some wonderful friends and their family we were able to move most everything on Friday night and Saturday morning. Everything had to go into the upstairs of the house since we weren't able to finish the floors. Dan, who has more perseverance in a day than I have had in my entire lifetime, returned to the house on Sunday to begin the process of polyurethaning. He had secretly hoped to finish it all on Sunday but in order to be consistent we deciding to add yet another day to the floor finishing process. In the end we figured it would make the story more dramatic.
Monday night at 8:00pm the floor was officially finished! Yee Haw! Now we just need to get some lighting installed, so we can see what it looks like. Tuesday we decided it would be best if we took the evening off. I don't think I've ever enjoyed a Tuesday evening so much in my entire life. Wens. night we took a few more miscellaneous items up to the house and met with someone to discuss options to take care of the sulfur problem with our water. Another thing I've learned during this whole process is that "options" are always expensive, no matter how many of them there are.
Tonight Dan is trying to prioritize what is the most important thing to work on in order to get us into the house faster. If anyone has any suggestions please feel free to offer them in the comments section. I'll give a brief overview of some of the things that need to be done before we can move in
1. We have no working overhead lights in the entire downstairs. Dan, assures me that this is not a big deal and he can have lights working in little or no time. I would feel pretty good about his assurances if there wasn't a list of 20 things that all are going to take little to no time to complete.
2. We have no working electrical outlet for the appliances. This also is not a big deal as we have no appliances as of yet to plug in.
3. We have a sink that needs to be installed, but we have no counter top on which to install it.
4. Only the sink works in the downstairs bathroom
5. Only the toilet works in the upstairs bathroom. If you notice, neither bathroom has a working tub or shower.
I could continue this list but I feel a panic attack coming on. This is something I can focus on. I think I should end this post for health reasons. I pray you are having a great day. I hope to return with news of progress and working appliances!